Funeral home website page title tags provide free advertising

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funeral home SEOIf you want to find a store that sells specialty dog food in town, what would you do? Pick up the Yellow Pages? Ask your friends? Or, if you’re like most people these days, would you go to your smartphone or laptop and Google ‘high-protein dog food [your town name]’? Probably the latter.

And where does Google look first for the phrase you’ve typed in? The page title tags of websites in your area. That’s why making sure your funeral home’s page titles include some basic information is like putting text ads online for FREE!

What Is A Page Title Tag?

A website page title tag is the main text that describes a page or online document. It is the second most important on–page SEO element (the most important being overall content) and appears in three key places: browsers, search engine results pages and external websites.

Be Mindful of Length: Try to use title tags with fewer than 70 characters. This is the limit Google displays in search results.

Put Keywords First:  The closer to the beginning of the title tag a keyword is, the more helpful it will be for ranking. A user will also be more likely to click on the keyword in search results

Be Clear: The title of a website page should describe exactly what is on that page. The title is critical to both the user’s experience and search engine optimization (SEO).

Use Keyword Separators: Use pipes | to separate important keywords instead of commas, underscores, dashes or any other punctuation, when possible.

Be Brief: Keep your keywords short and simple. Don’t try to make your page titles read like a sentence.

Avoid Your Firm Name: On most pages, you can leave off your funeral home or cremation society name. If someone knows your name, they won’t be searching by keywords – they’ll just go to your site. The people you are trying to reach in an online search don’t already have a preference. So phrases or long-tailed keywords like “Tampa Funeral Home” will drive new visitors to your site more times than your firm name ever will.

Be Unique: One common mistake is using the same page title over and over again. If you describe the content on each page, you should be able to overcome this issue easily. And, if you have leftover characters, add the name of a town or region you’d like to get more business from for greater impact.

Page Title Tag Examples

On the home page, the page title should definitely include your funeral home or crematory name. An example might be:

Florida Funeral Home & Crematory | Tampa, Florida | Funerals | Cremation

On an interior page, the page title could be like this:

Primary Keyword | Secondary Keyword | Brand Name

In the case of a funeral home, an example of a page about cremation might be:

Cremation | Crematory | Tampa, Florida

Because title tags are such an important part of search engine optimization, using best practices for title tags is a quick and easy  way to impact your website traffic and increase the number of inquiries you receive from people unfamiliar with your funeral home. A few simple words can become your best advertising method.

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